Researching Legal Issues Arising in Key States
Organization: Fair Fight Action
Volunteer Activity
During early voting and on Election Day, there will be a myriad of legal issues that arise for which we will need quick answers. We are looking for volunteers in twelve different states who will be available to provide quick legal research as needed. We are focused on legal issues arising in: Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Maine, Minnesota, Michigan, North Carolina, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Wisconsin.
Why it’s Important
During early voting and on Election Day, we want to be able to provide support for voters as well as individuals and entities who support voters (e.g. – GOTV-type organizations, absentee ballot drives, poll watchers, voter education efforts). Legal issues may arise that require a range of responses, including legal research. We need to ensure that we have in place adequate legal resources to provide quick answers as questions and problems arise.
Time Frame
The need is immediate and will extend through the early voting period and beyond.
Mandatory Time Commitment: Approximately 5-10 hours per research assignment.
The person must be trained as an attorney and barred in any state.
Geographic Preference
There is no geographic preference. This work can be done remotely.
Compile Voting Fact Sheets for Voter Engagement and Education
Organization: Advancement Project and Electoral Justice Table
Volunteer Activity
Volunteers will compile basic information about voting in 22 key states and jurisdictions. The write-ups will include upcoming election dates, how to register to vote and deadlines for registration, how to vote in person, how to vote by mail, accessibility writes, protection against intimations and provisional ballot information.
Why is It Important
Movement for Black Lives, Advancement Project and other partners are working tirelessly to ensure that voters have access to cast their ballot in safe and informed ways. This information will be used in trainings and other outreach to inform and educate voters about their rights.
As soon as possible through the end of October.
Anyone who is willing can conduct this research no law degree is necessary.
Geographic Preference
There is no geographic preference. This work can be done remotely.