In 2019, Law For Black Lives offered a 6-month fellowship for legal workers and lawyers to support work towards divestment from exploitative forces including prisons, police, surveillance and fossil fuels and investment in long term community based strategies for safe, sustainable communities. Fellows received funding, training and community to turn their ideas into a reality and help build the necessary infrastructure to support transformative social change.
Over the last generation, the United States has dramatically increased spending on policing and incarceration, while drastically cutting investments to basic infrastructure and social safety net programs. The impact of these budgetary choices has largely affected Black, brown and poor neighborhoods, who have been structurally alienated from decision-making and dehumanized by narratives that paint them as dangerous and undeserving. In many low-wage Black and brown communities, the largest state investment actually comes in the form of police, prisons, and high-tech surveillance infrastructure. Meanwhile, these same neighborhoods are being starved of basic infrastructure and services, such as housing, transit, education, and healthcare and subject to the life threatening impacts of climate change and environmental disasters.
We are in a unique moment where there is widespread, bipartisan agreement that our criminal legal system requires a major overhaul. As a result, we have an opportunity to redefine what keeps us safe and what we invest in to make safety a reality. A broad array of policies and budgetary interventions are needed in our cities to reshape and redefine public safety away from criminalization and towards a real vision for secure and thriving communities.
Now more than ever, we need lawyers, working closely with their communities, to develop projects that maximize the capacity of Black communities to protect themselves, democratize the law, and build viable alternatives.
Meet the Fellows
Ahmed Mori
Danielle Dillard
Jill Cartwright
Maya Ragsdale
Rashad Buni
Tyler Whittenberg
Andrew Hairston
Erin Miles Cloud
Joyce McMillan
Nora Smith
Tifanei Ressl-Moyer
Wesley Dozier
anneke dunbar-gronke
James Burch
Leslie Turner
Nzingha Hooker
Tiffany Williams Roberts
Zaina Alsous
2020 Invest/Divest Legal Fellowship Brochure